Bichon Frise / Poodle (Miniature) / Mixed (medium coat) : : Male : : Adult : : Small
Max is truly one of the most stellar temperament dogs we've ever had considering the horrible life he's had since a puppy. Max belonged to some backyard breeder and was relegated to the backyard for literally his entire life. Some neighbors had connections to the rescue community and begged the owner for two years to give up the dog and she refused. Finally, she agreed and we were contacted and took this sweet soul. From the moment we got him you would have thought he came from the most loving home. He's super gregarious and loves everyone he meets. He's constantly wagging his tail and has no fear of anything or anyone. The other amazing thing is he's the smartest dog I've ever seen. He is a professional fetch player and brings the ball back and drops it at your feet. He learned to sit and wait after 5 minutes and seems to know what you want him to do instinctively. He's great with other dogs and would love another PLAYFUL dog. Max is also a cuddler and loves to keep you company on the couch and cuddle up with you for a good night's sleep. Our target home for Max is a young family with active kids and if there is another dog he/she must be young and playful. Max is a perfectly well-behaved dog and would love a family who treats him as a cherished member and includes him in all activities. He's been neutered, has shots and is chipped. If you're interested, please fill out the application on Bichons and Buddies.com
More about MaxGood with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Does Good in the Car, Hypoallergenic, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Plays fetch, Likes to play with toys, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Goofy